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SNAP E&T Third-Party Partnerships Resource Clearinghouse

Welcome to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) Third-Party Partnerships Resource Clearinghouse—a collection of resources for current and potential SNAP E&T third-party providers, state agency program staff, and state policymakers seeking information to develop and broaden organizational capacity in SNAP E&T programs.


SNAP E&T is a federally funded program that helps eligible SNAP participants develop skills to advance economically by providing a package of services, including assessments, training and education, supportive services, and participant follow-up. Each state is required to operate a SNAP E&T program, but states have broad flexibility in how they operate their program.

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SNAP E&T assesses and places people receiving SNAP benefits into skills building and training programs in order to help participants move forward on a path to economic mobility. To reduce barriers to employment, SNAP E&T also provides supportive services including transportation and childcare assistance to help participants gain and maintain employment, thereby contributing to the local economy and economic recovery.

Helping Communities Grow

Partnering for Impact

States can expand their SNAP E&T program reach by partnering with community-based organizations, community colleges, employers, and other organizations. Partnering in SNAP E&T creates opportunities for participants to engage in skills building and training to move forward into quality jobs.  

The resources and materials below have been developed to help providers increase capacity and sustainability in SNAP E&T as third-party partners.

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The resources below have been developed to help state agencies grow and strengthen their SNAP E&T program.
Advanced Partnership Resources
Community Colleges

Organizations like Community Action Agencies (CAA) and community colleges are integral to the system of employment and training and supportive services that provide opportunities for career pathways that increase economic mobility for families and individuals with low-income. State and local agencies can leverage community colleges and CAAs to strengthen current provider partnerships and explore new partnerships to enhance services provided through their E&T programs.

Innovative Partnerships

Strategies for Specific Populations 

The following resources can be used to strategize how to better leverage SNAP E&T to serve specific populations of interest.

Parents Paying

Child Support


Formerly Incarcerated


College Students


Older Workers


Foster Youth


Young Parents


Refugees and


Strategies for Specific Populations

SNAP E&T National Partnerships

The resources listed above were developed as part of the SNAP E&T National Partnerships grant. The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), in partnership with the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) and the National Community Action Partnership (NCAP), is building a national approach to SNAP E&T by providing technical assistance across two cohorts comprised of community colleges and CAAs to increase understanding, improve coordination with state and local agencies, and scale SNAP E&T partnerships. By forming strategic relationships across key national networks, states and local SNAP programs can learn how to best support their community partners and collaborate to develop career pathways leading to quality, sustainable employment for participants of SNAP.


This is a project of The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), in partnership with the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) and the National Community Action Partnership (NCAP), and Seattle Jobs Initiative (SJI) is building a national approach.


Funding for this project was provided by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.

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